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Business Foundations Guides

The Most Popular and Important Subjects
Organization's Face Today

The Business Foundations Guide

The Business Foundations Guides library is a comprehensive collection of courses on some of the most popular and important subjects an organization faces today. Designed specifically for the staff or team member who needs the organizational basics without the fluff or filler of traditional forms, this library features all the power and flexibility of the TrainingDepartment.com Internet-Based Training system in an easy, intuitive package that ensures quick retention and immediate implementation.

All of Business Foundations Guides feature vignettes or case-studies, interactive response tools, games, and research-based recommendations, so no matter what learning style you prefer, you have it available at your fingertips. By assigning these courses to your staff, you can have the confidence that members of your team will be equipped for the future, FAST.


Course Name Language
LIBRARY: Business Foundation Training - Ladder to Success
Individual contributors need more than technical skills to do their jobs effectively.  The courses in this series focus on key business skills that most employees need and want.
A Chilly Climate: Preventing Harassment in the Workplace English
Business Writing Skills English
Communication Essentials English
Customer Service English
Dealing with Difficult People English
Decision Making English
Diversity Insights English
Managing Conflict English
Problem Solving English
Running Effective Meetings English
Stress Management English
Time Management English

Who Should Take These Courses:

  • Staff or team members who need the most potent resources in a field of study;
  • Current or future staff managers who need to brush up on basic skills with a new, more potent format;
  • Any leaders who need new skills in the basics in order to continue to grow in current or future responsibilities; and
  • All leaders, staff or team members who wish to be better equipped for the increasingly fast-paced future where the basics are both assumed and required.

Interactive Tools You'll Use:

  • Self-paced instruction and navigation;
  • Audio/Video case-study vignettes;
  • Built-in notepad;
  • Learner-response;
  • "Professor" insights;
  • "Coach" tips;
  • "Flash card" memory helps;
  • Games; and
  • Instant-grading quizzes and tests, and more!

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