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Online Training Site Today!

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What We Do

TrainingDepartment.com - Custom Distance Learning Management Intranet you will ever need

Our mission is to increase the performance of companies and organizations using our experience and easy-to-use, integrated technology. We provide performance improvement, consulting services, training content design and a variety of web-based products with the commitment of helping our customers generate a positive return on investment for each dollar they spend. We strive to make our services flexible, reliable and easy-to-use.

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Online Time Management Training

Business is all about productivity and if your employees are not managing their time correctly you're losing it!

Time management training will develop the skills necessary to ensure that your employees are prioritizing and delegating tasks to make the most of their workday and contributing to their ability. Time Management Training is just one of business courses you'll be able to take when your sign up with Training Department.

Get started with a free online training trial!

Training Department offers companies an online training system that allows administrators to author & assign their own internal courses, put existing traditional training online or just take advantage of our online catalog of existing business and management training courses.

Online Training Course Authoring - A simple interface allows administrators to simply create courses focused on specialized skills or general company policies. Assign curriculum to individuals or groups of employees. Courses like time management training or change management training would be great to assign to everyone of your employees while your company sales training can be assigned to just your sales force.

Make your employee training available 24/7 from anywhere in the world! - No lost travel costs or time. If you're like most companies you can't afford to send all your employees to training around the country. So often managers must make the decision who needs it the most. With online training you don't have to make that choice and all your employees can become more efficient. There will always be a place for in person or hands on training but our system is also utilized as pre-training courses and testing by many of our clients. The best way to utilize our system will depend on your company needs and structure but at $10 a user per month you can afford not to start now!

Existing Business & Management Courses Online - If you don't have the time, staff or budget to develop your own courses, you won't have to. Our catalog of existing business and management courses covers today's hot topics in business.

Training Department E-learning Platform Benefits:

  • Inexpensive
  • Scaleable
  • User Friendly
  • Customizable

Start your own time management training programs for $10 a month per user.

Let us give you a quote on converting your learning content, private branding your online learning system, or letting our course writers copy write for you. With our robust online learning platform and great staff we can personally address any training questions. So just send us your online training questions or concerns and we'll be back with you shortly.

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