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TrainingDepartment.com - Custom Distance Learning Management Intranet you will ever need

Our mission is to increase the performance of companies and organizations using our experience and easy-to-use, integrated technology. We provide performance improvement, consulting services, training content design and a variety of web-based products with the commitment of helping our customers generate a positive return on investment for each dollar they spend. We strive to make our services flexible, reliable and easy-to-use.

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Corporate Leadership Training

Confused about how to execute your plan to increase leadership? Thanks to Training Department's new web-based training guides, you can rest assured that the program's specially designed courses will serve the purpose that your company needs.

With any corporate leadership training program, strict attention to your company's long-term goals and mission are key points. With TrainingDepartment.com, you can customize online courses, including tests/quizzes and interactive games and activities with information that is directly related to your business.

Completely customize your program to fit your company's unique needs!

Call TrainingDepartment.com Today!

Make Corporate Leadership Training a Success with Features Like:

  • The ability to author courses, assign libraries for different subjects, and manage groups and even entire departments!
  • Track the activity and progress of individuals by monitoring test/quiz grades and communicating to students through email
  • Get personalized service and consulting from Training Department's experts on how to implement your successful corporate leadership training program.
  • Take advantage of the existing libraries of online management training and business development courses when your register for Training Department services. These instant courses are FREE and will be an excellent supplement to your future training.

Customizeable Training Programs

Customizing your own training program gives you complete control of the content. Training Department is proud to offer specialized services in order to improve the performance of your employees. With easy-to-use technology, Training Department also offers consulting services and a variety of web-based products to supplement your company's personalized courses.

Contact TrainingDepartment.com today
and learn about our free 30 day trial!
Call 1-800-993-0240

Allow your company to benefit from Training Department's other training programs targeted at:

Keep an eye out for Training Department's new updated course catalog - Check out TrainingDepartment.com for more updates and features!

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1 800.993.0240
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