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Just $10/Month Per User

Launch Your Own
Online Training Site Today!

FREE 30-Day Trial!

Product Benefits

Online Management Training, Course Authoring,
Testing, Document Library and More!

TrainingDepartment.com Saves You Money.

Everything you need to build and maintain your own online training system is available to you and your organization FREE, to use as much as you want. With TrainingDepartment.com 's simple and incredibly affordable, registered user fees of only $10/month per student, you’ll see immediate savings of as much as 95% compared to other traditional and web based training systems and methods. (See Calculator.)

TrainingDepartment.com Improves Online Training Results.

Because TrainingDepartment.com 's learning environment is rich with a variety of learner’s tools, resources, and instructional-design tools, it allows learners to control their learning experience. They are able to work at their own pace, focus on training that is most relevant to their needs, use the learning tools to which they relate best, and bypass tools and elements that are not relevant.

TrainingDepartment.com Saves Employee Time.

Numerous studies have shown that learning time using web based training can be reduced as much as 80% when compared to instructor-led training and other methodologies. (Multimedia Training Newsletter Study, 1996). And because your TrainingDepartment.com  site is open and available 24/7, your users can take, and you can make training anywhere… from the road, at home, or even with clients.

TrainingDepartment.com Eliminates Hassles.

Everything you need to operate your own online training system is built in to TrainingDepartment.com . From easy to use course authoring, feature-rich administration, testing, and four libraries of soft-skills courses, to the fact that you never have to worry about servers or software, TrainingDepartment.com replaces the hassles of typical online learning with ease, flexibility, and performance.

TrainingDepartment.com Improves Training Distribution

TrainingDepartment.com was designed from the beginning to be 100% browser-based, so your team members, partners, and other users can access your courses and online training resources without concern for computer platform, software installation, or special programming. Anyone you want to have access to your TrainingDepartment.com site can use any browser & have instant access to the complete suite of resources available on your site, no matter where they are located.

TrainingDepartment.com Protects Your Intellectual Capital.

Your courses, training content and expertise will outlive and outlast even the most skillful expert in your organization, providing consistent delivery and protected resources 24-hours a day. TrainingDepartment.com never calls in sick, never is away at another conference, and never misplaces slides. No matter where the need for training, if there is Internet access, TrainingDepartment.com delivers, every time.

Calculate your return on investment with our ROI Calculator