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Online Training Saves You Time and Money.

According to recent research, the average organization using traditional methodologies spends over $1700 per year per employee on training1, while 40% receiving this training rated their satisfaction with it as "less than satisfactory2"

TrainingDepartment.com not only increases your team's satisfaction-levels with training, and improves their competencies faster, but it also does it for a fraction of the cost of these other methods. Use this calculator to see how much your organization can save.

Calculate your savings with TrainingDepartment.com

Training Cost Calculator
Number of employees that need
training during the year:
Number of training courses that each employee takes yearly:  
Average annual salary of employees: $
Average annual salary of training manager or trainer: $

  1. Industry Training Report 1999, Lakewood Publications, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
  2. What Workers Really Think About Training, The Gallup Organization, Lakewood Training. 1999

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