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Online Training Site Today!

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Setup your OWN online training courses.
Training Department ...FREE.

Finally. Online Training for the rest of us!

TrainingDepartment.com  is the revolutionary 100% browser-based online learning system that allows organizations and businesses of all sizes to tap into the power and rewards of Internet-based training, for a fraction of the cost of other systems.

With TrainingDepartment.com, you don't just get the ability to take online training courses. You can author, test, assess, manage, measure and more, too!

It's the first comprehensive online training system designed like the Big Fortune 500 Corporate Online Universities, but built scaleable for all budgets.

Until now, robust web based training programs like this, have involved expensive resources within an organization or 3rd party contractors to author, design, program, distribute, manage, and maintain an online employee training program. From Instructional Designers, to Graphic Artists, Videographers, Programmers, and IT managers, the task of distributing, tracking and managing training was daunting. On top of that there was the intensive cost & difficulty of maintaining training hardware, software and server administration. It's no wonder only the largest of organizations were able to afford it.

Your Own Online Employee Training System. FREE!

TrainingDepartment.com changes all that, with the first complete system that provides everything needed for online learning. In just minutes, you can provide your team members, reps, employees and associates with instantaneous access to the latest in interactive multimedia online training. All at a fraction of the cost of traditional learning methods.

TrainingDepartment.com allows users to access e-learning courses, student records, exams. Anytime, from anywhere with minimal system requirements.

But that's only a fraction of what's available. TrainingDepartment.com also is the most comprehensive Online Training Administration system in the industry today, designed with managers, trainers and team leaders in mind. Not only do you have the ability to track student progress, test and course completions, and exam results, but you also have multiple levels of Administrative privileges that you can assign to members of your staff.

TrainingDepartment.com increases the depth and reach of training and support, and makes it available 24-hours a day, anywhere there is Internet access. In addition, compared to CD-ROM, traditional classroom, and other forms of training, TrainingDepartment.com costs up to 95% less.

  • No Servers to Buy.
  • No Software to Install.
  • No Systems to Learn.

TrainingDepartment.com provides all the hosting and administrative resources on our servers. There's no need to hire additional staff, or spend time and money on building and maintaining the equipment or software systems.

Now you and your teams can focus on their jobs, rather than learning complex training software programs, that will be obsolete next year. Plus, TrainingDepartment.com is fast to set-up. In less than 10 minutes, you can have your own employee training system online.

Click here for "The Secret"

See our Product Overview