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TrainingDepartment.com - Custom Distance Learning Management Intranet you will ever need

Our mission is to increase the performance of companies and organizations using our experience and easy-to-use, integrated technology. We provide performance improvement, consulting services, training content design and a variety of web-based products with the commitment of helping our customers generate a positive return on investment for each dollar they spend. We strive to make our services flexible, reliable and easy-to-use.

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Corporate Compliance Training

In today's world, someone is just waiting for an HR person to make a tiny mistake so that they can sue your company for illegal employment practices. Prevent that occurrence by signing up for TrainingDepartment.com and treating all of your staff to a crash course in corporate compliance training.

With Corporate Compliance Training highlight areas like:

  • Current employment laws and how to make sure they are followed
  • Avoiding situations that could result in bad publicity
  • Legal issues that companies constantly face and how to avoid them
  • Tackling subjects like harassment in the workplace, hiring and firing procedures, employee appraisals, and other legal issues.

Taking Compliance Issues Further

Major corporate lawsuits in the past have taught upper management that prevention of these devastating occurrences is imperative. With this in mind, topics like Corporate Compliance Training have navigated into training programs at corporations across the country. Don't make the mistake of taking these advanced training preventions for granted. Sign up today at TrainingDepartment.com to refresh your staff's memory of safe business practices and avoid costly lawsuits.

Contact TrainingDepartment.com today to
find out about other advanced training programs!
Call 1-800-993-0240

Use interactive tools like:

  • Flash card memory assistance
  • "Professor" and "Coach" integrated tips and insights
  • Interactive games and exercises designed by you!
  • Quizzes and tests that make tracking progress easy
  • Built-in notepad
  • Easy-to-use navigation

Further customize other programs tailored directly to your business!

Training Department.com gives you the ultimate option in training programs by allowing you to design your own training courses. Need further assistance? Not a problem. Experts at Training Department are waiting for you to sign up so that they can personally consult you in designing your courses and supplemental exercises. This is a great way to make corporate instruction fun and put it to good use. Once you implement Training Department's web-based training with your staff, you will rest assured that they are getting the pertinent information they need to do their best.

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1 800.993.0240

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