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Executive's Role In Blended Learning

By Allison Rossett
Excerpt from: Blended Learning How We Change What We Do - Originally distributed LearningCircuits.org

Article excerpt - "The executive's role in blended learning is to assure a culture that is active, collaborative, and cross-functional, in which each employee, manager, and supervisor can be unabashedly dedicated to continuous learning and reference. Executives must lead the way in making the workplace a place for learning and all forms of inquisitiveness."

Executives are always on the lookout to increase productivity and reduce expenses. Training Department's online software fits with blended learning executive plans for corporate wide training initiatives.

  • Are executives readying the organization for blended learning?
  • Do executives see the link between this BL and their strategy?
  • Can executives describe how this program furthers organizational goals?
  • Have executives worked with workforce learning professionals and line managers to consider what might get in the way as their organization moves to blended learning?
  • Where obstacles are anticipated, what mitigation is put in place?
  • Has the executive worked with management to nurture a learning culture?
  • To encourage learning and reference at work?
  • Is the executive engaged in the effort to redefine the roles of employees and supervisors to encourage their engagement in continuous learning and support?
  • Given halting acceptance by supervisors, are executives ready to do all they can to enlist them in tangible, positive ways?
  • Is the executive working with the learning organization to redefine the measures associated with their success in ways that link to continuous engagement, participation and strategic results?
  • Has the executive worked with the individuals involved with BL to assure that evaluation will happen and the program will be continuously improved?

(Adapted from Rossett & Frazee, 2005)

...the climate is primed for blended learning. Impatient executives want key people interacting with customers or equipment, not instructors. Employees are road warriors who want development, information, and coaching when they need it - not when a centralized bureaucracy can schedule it. More employees work at home, far from training rooms and instructors, increasingly dependent on information and development that must occur far from company headquarters. And technology for employees grows more available, for critical access, tracking, and guidance.

Training Department can help develop strategies with executives on the cost/benefits of creating a training program with our e-learning software. Contact Training Department for more information.

Allison Rossett is a member of ASTD's Board of Directors and a professor of educational technology at San Diego State University. Allison's email for contact