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Manager's Role In Blended Learning

By Allison Rossett
Blended Learning How We Change What We Do - Originally distributed LearningCircuits.org

Article excerpt - "Blended learning, because it often occurs in the workplace, depends on an active and supportive supervisor or manager. When blended learning is in place, managers and supervisors must coach, guide, track, motivate, and encourage. Not all are ready for this change.

Training Department's online software works well in a blended learning environment and invites managers and supervisors to be part of the course as subject matter experts, in courseware development or to help ensure that the e-learning process adds value and does not detract from work or personal time. Although this article states that managers might not be willing to participate, we feel that our e-learning authoring tool is so easy to use that their focus can remain on the topic at hand. Our e-learning solution also comes with a host of communications and tracking facilities to help "coach, guide, track, motivate & encourage".

For example, Shell EP used a ‘learning agreement’ between the learner and manager that detailed expected performance improvement to result from the course. While learners were pleased with the learning agreements they developed with their managers, managers were less enthusiastic. The researchers concluded that "it is necessary to identify additional tools and strategies to involve the line managers, to extend their role from ‘approving’ the participation in the course to being a full partner in the learning process," (Margaryan et al, 2004).

In a 2005 study conducted for the California Police Officers Standards and Training (POST) organization, we found that supervisors were not eager to welcome learning into the work environment. They prefer distinct events. "Supervisors expressed concern that on-the-job learning activities and mentoring would interfere with a detective’s effectiveness at work. They also recognized the value of networking with peers during classroom training and did not want their detectives to lose that," said POST instructional designer Sven Blomberg.

These finding suggest that participation by supervisors is by no means automatic.

Managers and supervisors to examine their readiness for blended learning.

  • Are managers ready for blended learning?
  • Do managers know what blended learning is?
  • Do managers understand how blended learning expands their roles?
  • Do they know why active managers and supervisors are needed?
  • Do they know how to help employees stay involved in blended learning?
  • Can they picture what their participation and support might look like?
  • Are meaningful incentives in place for managers to be active within the blend?
  • Are participation and support in the blended learning program part of managers’ job descriptions and performance reviews?
  • Do managers have the skills and knowledge to tackle these new responsibilities?
  • Are there cases, examples, and templates to help managers know what to say and do within the blend?

(Adapted from Rossett & Frazee, 2005)"

Training Department understands that the most successful training solutions have to have a level of buy-in from management, the instructors and the employees. Hence our e-learning software come with lots of support - to help you get the internal support you need.

We provide free online libraries with resources on course development and e-training strategies. Our online software has an administration section that can be productively used by both the training professional and the manager. We are constantly researching current articles on a variety of topics - such as what is blended learning, employee role in blended learning, and the online instructor's role in blended learning.

We are confident that large and small companies can benefit from our e-learning software. We have an ROI calculator that helps identify your potential return on investment. We instructional design services to help in the development of your courses or to help with your strategy.

Contact Training Department for more information.

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Allison Rossett is a member of ASTD's Board of Directors and a professor of educational technology at San Diego State University. Allison's email for contact.