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Course Title:
The Techies Guide to Managing the Younger Generation

Units: 7

Quizzes and Tests - Included/Optional

Course Summary:
It seems like just yesterday you were the newbie in town, but suddenly, you're not only one of the most tenured techies, you're also managing the newest of the newbies. As a fellow techie, you have the advantage of not only being able to understand your younger employees, but also of remembering what motivates them.

Still, it never hurts to perfect those skills which are necessary to make our work lives run more smoothly. In this course, you will consider ways to motivate younger employees and encourage their entrepreneurial spirits. In addition, you will learn to train younger employees for optimal outcomes, and give them autonomy, while you still remain in authority.

In other words, you're going to learn to become the boss you always wish you had!

This course and scores of others are available FREE when you Launch your own TrainingDepartment.com site. If you don't have your own custom private TrainingDepartment.com site, it takes less than three minutes to launch, and it's absolutely FREE.

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